Monday, November 17, 2008

Day 34 Your generosity coach

Generosity Day 4:
How generous are you?
Generosity is giving more than you can.
What motivates your generosity?
You can give without loving. But you can not love without giving.

"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue,but with actions and in truth."
I John 3:18

Your generosity from Heaven's perspective:

Little things you have done, sacrifices made, may go unnoticed on the earth but in heaven are proclaimed.

1 comment:

Minister Mamie L. Pack said...

My husband and I were just talking about this. The other day I was at the grocery store when an elderly couple was trying to put their groceries in the car. Seeing their struggle, I went up to them to help and put their buggy up for them. Surprise was all over their face. It really is sad how in today's time doing something nice for someone is not the norm.

with blessings,

Minister Mamie