Friday, October 24, 2008

Day 20 Steps to Self Control

Self Control Day 5:
Personally I was so excited to read today about action steps to develop self control over your mouth!!!
Pray that God will give you his power to control your words and become someone who consistently uses her mouth to deliver good not evil.
Pray for all your choices in the upcoming day.

My two action steps I chose to develop self control over my mouth are:
1. I will be gentle. I will be kind with my words. (yes this WILL be hard sometimes)
2. I will be thankful. I will thank those I live with for at least one thing every day. (I have already been trying this does that mean I'm cheating?)

To develop self discipline:
1. I will start exercising (again)
2. I WILL take a Sabbath
3. I will stop procrastinating.

To develop good habits:
1. I will find a mentor. Thank goodness CWTR already challenges me in my Christian walk.
2. I will have a daily mini Sabbath. I have been wanting to start committing the first fruits of my day but this one is so easy to avoid since I am NOT a morning person and this will be really hard!

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